zelos.api.memory_api module

class zelos.api.memory_api.MemoryApi(zelos)

Bases: object

read(addr: int, size: int) → bytearray

Copies specified region of memory. Requires that the specified address is mapped.

  • addr – Address to start reading from.

  • size – Number of bytes to read.


Bytes corresponding to data held in memory.

write(addr: int, data: bytearray) → int

Writes specified bytes to memory. Requires that the specified address is mapped.

  • addr – Address to start writing data to.

  • data – Bytes to write in memory.

read_int(addr: int, size: int = None, signed: bool = False) → int

Reads an integer value from the specified address. Can handle multiple sizes and representations of integers.

  • addr – Address to begin reading int from.

  • size – Size (# of bytes) of integer representation. If None, uses the architecture to determine size (32 bit -> 4, 64bit -> 8). Default is None.

  • signed – If true, interpret bytes as signed integer. Default false.


Integer representation of bytes read.

write_int(addr: int, value: int, size: int = None, signed: bool = False) → int

Writes an integer value to the specified address. Can handle multiple sizes and representations of integers.

  • addr – Address in memory to write integer to.

  • value – Integer to write into memory.

  • size – Size (# of bytes) to write into memory. If None, uses the architecture to determine size (32 bit -> 4, 64bit -> 8). Default is None.

  • signed – If true, write number as signed integer. Default false.


Number of bytes written to memory.

read_string(addr: int, size: int = 1024) → str

Reads a utf-8 string from memory. Stops at null terminator. Fails if a byte is uninterpretable.

  • addr – Address in memory to start reading from.

  • size – Maximum size of string to read from memory.


String read from memory.

read_wstring(addr: int, size: int = 1024) → str

Reads a utf-16 string from memory. Stops at null terminator. Fails if a byte is uninterpretable.

  • addr – Address in memory to start reading from.

  • size – Maximum size of string to read from memory.


String read from memory.

read_punicode_string(addr: int) → str

Given the address of a pointer to a unicode string, returns the string that was pointed to as a python string.


addr – Address of the unicode string pointer


String read from memory

read_pansi_string(addr: int) → int

Given the address of a pointer to a ANSI string, returns the string that was pointed to as a python string.


addr – Address of the ANSI string pointer


String read from memory

write_string(addr: int, value: str, terminal_null_byte: bool = True) → int

Writes a string to a specified address as utf-8. By default, adds a terminal null byte.

  • addr – Address in memory to begin writing string to.

  • value – String to write to memory.

  • terminal_null_byte – If True, adds terminal null byte. Default True.


Number of bytes written.

write_wstring(addr: int, value: int, terminal_null_byte: bool = True) → int

Writes a string to a specified address as utf-16-le. By default, adds a terminal null byte.

  • addr – Address in memory to begin writing string to.

  • value – String to write to memory.

  • terminal_null_byte – If True, adds terminal null byte. Default True.


Number of bytes written.

readstruct(addr: int, obj: _ctypes.Structure) → _ctypes.Structure

Reads a ctypes structure from memory.

  • addr – Address in memory to begin reading structure from.

  • obj – An instance of the structure to create from memory.


Instance of structure read from memory.


class SIGACTION(ctypes.Structure):
    _fields_ = [
        ("sa_handler", ctypes.c_uint64),
        ("sa_flags", ctypes.c_uint64),
        ("sa_restorer", ctypes.c_uint64),
        ("sa_mask", ctypes.c_uint64),

# Pointer to sigaction struct
pointer = 0xdeadbeef

sigaction = api.memory.readstruct(pointer, SIGACTION())
writestruct(address: int, structure: _ctypes.Structure) → int

Write a ctypes Structure to memory.

  • addr – Address in memory to begin writing to.

  • structure – An instance of the structure to write to memory.


Number of bytes written to memory.


class SIGACTION(ctypes.Structure):
    _fields_ = [
        ("sa_handler", ctypes.c_uint64),
        ("sa_flags", ctypes.c_uint64),
        ("sa_restorer", ctypes.c_uint64),
        ("sa_mask", ctypes.c_uint64),

sigaction = SIGACTION()
sigaction.handler = 0xdeadbeef

# Memory address to write struct to
destination = 0xb0bad00d

bytes_written = api.memory.writestruct(destination, sigaction)
map(address: int, size: int, name: str = '', kind: str = '', module_name: str = '', prot: int = <ProtType.RWX: 7>, reserve: bool = False) → None

Maps a region of memory at the specified address.

  • address – Address to map.

  • size – # of bytes to map. This will be rounded up to the nearest 0x1000.

  • name – String used to identify mapped region. Used for debugging.

  • kind – String used to identify the purpose of the mapped region. Used for debugging.

  • module_name – String used to identify the module that mapped this region.

  • prot – An integer representing the RWX protection to be set on the mapped region.

  • reserve – Reserves memory to prepare for mapping. An option used in Windows.

get_region(address: int) → Optional[zelos.emulator.base.MemoryRegion]

Returns the memory region that the specified address is mapped in, if one exists, otherwise returns None.


address – Address used to specify a region of memory.


A zelos.emulator.base.MemoryRegion containing the specified address, or None if the address is not mapped in any region.

get_regions() → List[zelos.emulator.base.MemoryRegion]

Returns a list of all mapped memory regions.


A list of zelos.emulator.base.MemoryRegion objects.

read_ptr(addr: int) → int

Reads a pointer at addr. The number of bytes read is dependent on the architecture of the binary.

read_size_t(addr: int) → int

Reads a value of type size_t at addr.

pack(x: int, bytes: int = None, little_endian: bool = None, signed: bool = False) → bytes

Unpacks an integer from a byte format. Defaults to the current architecture bytes and endianness.

unpack(x: bytes, bytes: int = None, little_endian: bool = None, signed: bool = False) → int

Unpacks an integer from a byte format. Defaults to the current architecture bytes and endianness.

read_int64(addr: int) → int
read_uint64(addr: int) → int
read_int32(addr: int) → int
read_uint32(addr: int) → int
read_int16(addr: int) → int
read_uint16(addr: int) → int
read_int8(addr: int) → int
read_uint8(addr: int) → int
write_ptr(addr: int, value: int) → int
write_size_t(addr: int, value: int) → int
write_int64(addr: int, value: int) → int
write_uint64(addr: int, value: int) → int
write_int32(addr: int, value: int) → int
write_uint32(addr: int, value: int) → int
write_int16(addr: int, value: int) → int
write_uint16(addr: int, value: int) → int
write_int8(addr: int, value: int) → int
write_uint8(addr: int, value: int) → int
search(value_to_search: bytes) → List[int]

Search for a sequence of bytes in memory. Returns a list of the starting address of all nonoverlapping matches.