zelos.handles.base_handles module

class zelos.handles.base_handles.Handle(name, parent_thread, access=0)

Bases: object

close() → None

Closes an instance of this handle, maintaining the number of references to the underlying object.

cleanup() → None

Override this if there is an action that needs to be taken when there are no more references to the underlying object.

category() → str

The type of object this handle represents.

class zelos.handles.base_handles.FileHandle(name, file_system, parent_thread, access=0, is_dir=False, file=None, close_on_cleanup=True)

Bases: zelos.handles.base_handles.Handle

truncate(size) → None
size() → int
tell() → int
seek(offset: int, whence: int = 0) → None
write(data: bytes) → int
read(size: int) → bytes
cleanup() → None

Override this if there is an action that needs to be taken when there are no more references to the underlying object.

class zelos.handles.base_handles.SocketHandle(name, parent_thread, socket, access=0)

Bases: zelos.handles.base_handles.Handle

cleanup() → None

Override this if there is an action that needs to be taken when there are no more references to the underlying object.

class zelos.handles.base_handles.RegistryKeyHandle(name, parent_thread, access=0, attributes=None)

Bases: zelos.handles.base_handles.Handle

class zelos.handles.base_handles.SectionHandle(name, parent_thread, access=0, attributes=None)

Bases: zelos.handles.base_handles.Handle

class zelos.handles.base_handles.SymbolicLinkObjectHandle(name, parent_thread, access=0, attributes=None)

Bases: zelos.handles.base_handles.Handle

class zelos.handles.base_handles.WorkerFactoryHandle(name, parent_thread, access=0, attributes=None)

Bases: zelos.handles.base_handles.Handle

class zelos.handles.base_handles.ObjectHandle(name, parent_thread, access=0, attributes=None)

Bases: zelos.handles.base_handles.Handle

class zelos.handles.base_handles.KeyedEventHandle(name, parent_thread, access=0, attributes=None)

Bases: zelos.handles.base_handles.Handle

class zelos.handles.base_handles.ProcessHandle(name, parent_thread, pid, access=0, attributes=None, flags=None)

Bases: zelos.handles.base_handles.Handle

class zelos.handles.base_handles.ThreadHandle(name, parent_thread, pid, tid, access=0, attributes=None, flags=None)

Bases: zelos.handles.base_handles.Handle

class zelos.handles.base_handles.PipeInHandle(name, pipe, parent_thread=None, access=0)

Bases: zelos.handles.base_handles.Handle

write(data: bytes) → int
cleanup() → None

Override this if there is an action that needs to be taken when there are no more references to the underlying object.

class zelos.handles.base_handles.PipeOutHandle(name, pipe, parent_thread=None, access=0)

Bases: zelos.handles.base_handles.Handle

read(size: int) → bytes
cleanup() → None

Override this if there is an action that needs to be taken when there are no more references to the underlying object.

class zelos.handles.base_handles.StreamHandle(name, parent_thread, access=0)

Bases: zelos.handles.base_handles.Handle

class zelos.handles.base_handles.StdIn(parent_thread='unknown')

Bases: zelos.handles.base_handles.StreamHandle

read(size: int) → bytes
class zelos.handles.base_handles.StdOut(parent_thread='unknown')

Bases: zelos.handles.base_handles.StreamHandle

class zelos.handles.base_handles.StdErr(parent_thread='unknown')

Bases: zelos.handles.base_handles.StreamHandle

class zelos.handles.base_handles.Handles(processes, hook_manager, file_system)

Bases: object

add_handle(handle, handle_num=None, pid=None) → int

Returns the handle id for the handle

get(handle_num: int, pid: Optional[int] = None) → Optional[zelos.handles.base_handles.Handle]

Return the handle object with the given index, or None if it does not exist

exists(handle_num: int, pid: Optional[int] = None) → bool

Returns true if the given handle_num already exists for the pid

new(T, name, access=0, handle_num=None)

Used to create handles that are not one we already support

new_file(name, access=0, handle_num=None, is_dir=False, file=None, pid=None, close_on_cleanup=True)
new_socket(name, socket, access=0, handle_num=None)
new_regkey(name, access=0, attributes=None, handle_num=None)
new_process(name, pid, attributes, parent_thread='unknown', access=0, handle_num=None, flags=None)
new_thread(name, pid, tid, attributes, parent_thread='unknown', access=0, handle_num=None, flags=None)
new_pipe(name, access=0)
get_by_name(name: str, pid: Optional[int] = None) → Optional[int]

Gets the numeric identifier for the first handle that has the specified name.

  • name – The name of the handle to retrieve.

  • pid – The id of the process to get the handle from. Defaults to None (all processes).


The handle number corresponding to the specified name if one exists. If no such handle exists, returns None.

get_by_type(class_type: type, pid: Optional[int] = None) → List[zelos.handles.base_handles.Handle]

Returns all handles of the given type.

  • class_type – Specifies the type that all returned handles should be an instance of.

  • pid – The id of the process to get the handle from. Defaults to None (all processes).


All handles that are an instance of the specified type.

get_by_parent_thread(parent_thread_name: str) → List[Tuple[int, zelos.handles.base_handles.Handle]]

Gets all handles created by the specified thread


parent_thread_name – Restricts the handles given back to those created by the thread with this name.


A list of tuples containing the handle num and handle of all the handles created by the parent thread.

close(handle_num: int, pid: Optional[int] = None) → None

Close this handle. If there are more references to the underlying object, it will remain open and only decrement the reference count.

  • handle_num – The handle_id of the handle you want to close

  • pid – The process you want to edit the handles of. Defaults to the current process.

close_all(pid: Optional[int] = None) → None

Closes all handles present in the specified process.


pid – The pid of the process to close all handles of. Defaults to all handles in all processes.